Thursday, July 16, 2009


So today I found a list of hundreds of acronyms and such....I thought I would share my favs.

?: I have a question @TEOTD: at the end of the day <3: heart

AAF: as a friend AAR/AAR8: at any rate AAYF: as always, your friend AEAP: as early as possible AFAGAY: a freind as good as you AFAIC: as far as i'm concerned AFAIK: as far as i know AGKEW: and god knows what else AISB: as i said before AISE: as i said earlier AKA: also known as ALAP: as late a possible ALOL: acutally laughing out loud ALOTBSOL: always look on the bright side of life AMBW: all my best wishes AML: all my love AWGTHTGTTA: are we going to have to go through this again AWOL: absent without leave AYCE: all you can eat AYK: as you know AYTMTB: and your telling me this because

B/C: because B4: before B4N: bye for now B4YKI: before you know it BB4N: bye bye for now BBFN: bye bye for now BBIAB: be back in a bit BBIAF: be back in a few BBIAS: be back in a second BBL: be back later BBSL: be back sooner or later BBT: be back tomorrow BCOZ: because BEOS: nudge BF: boyfriend/best friend BI5: back in five BIBI: bye bye BO: bug off BR: bathroom BRB: be right back BRT: be right there BS: big smile/big sh** BTDT: been there done that BTDTGTS: been there done that got the t-shirt BTHOOM: beats the heck out of me BTW: by the way BW: best wishes BWL: bursting with laughter BYOA: bring your own advil BZ: busy

C/S: change of subject C4N: ciao for now CAAC: cool as a cucumber CD9: code nine (parents are around) CIAO: goodbye (in italian) CMIW: correct me if i'm wrong CMU: crack me up COS: change of subject C-P: sleepy CLS: can't stop laughing CUL/CUL8R: see you later CUNS: see you in school CUOL: see you online CUZ: because CYT: see you tomorrow

DARFC: ducking and running for cover DEF: definately DGT: don't go there DISTO: did i say that outloud DIY: do it yourself DMI: dont mention it DND: do not disturb DWBH: don't worry be happy

E123: easy as 123 EFFIN: f***ing EML: email me later EZ: easy

F2F: face-to-face FDGB: fall down go boom FF: friends forever FINE: f***ed up, insecure, neurotic, emotional FITB: fill in the blanks FOAF: friend of a friend FOFL: falling on floor laughing FOMCL: falling off my chair laughing FTASB: faster than a speeding bullet FTBOMH: from the bottom of my heart FTLOG: for the love of god FU2: f*** you too FWD: forward FYF: from your friend FYI: for your information

G2GLYS: got to go love you so GAL: get a life GAS: got a second GBH: great big hug GFI: go for it GGN: gotta go now GGP: gotta go pee GMTA: great minds think alike GN: good night GOK: god only knows GOL: giggling out loud GR8: great GRATZ: congratulations GRRRR: growling GSOAS: so sit on a snake GTG: got to go GTM: giggling to myself

H&K: hugs and kisses H/O: hold on HAGD: have a great day HAGN: have a good night HAK: hugs and kisses HAND: have nice day HB: hurry back HHO1/2K: ha ha, only half kidding HHOJ: ha ha, only joking HHOK: ha ha, only kidding HIG: how's it going HITAKS: hang in there and keep smiling HO: hold on HP: higher power HT: hi there HTNOTH: hit the nail on the head HWGA: here we go again

I 1-D-R: i wonder IAT: i am tired IBRB: i'll be right back IBTD: i beg to differ ID10T: idiot IDK: i dont know IDST: i didnt say that IGGP: i gotta go pee IIABDFI: if it aint broke dont fix it ILY: i love you IMO: in my opinion IMS: i am sorry INUCOSM: its no use crying over spilled milk IOW: in other words ISWYM: i see what you mean IWALU: i will always love you IYSS: if you say so

J/K: just kidding J/W: just wondering J5M: just five minutes JAM: just a minute JAS: just a second JC: just curious JSU: just shut up JT: just teasing JW: just wondering

KISS: keep it simple stupid KIT: keep in touch KPC: keeping parents clueless

L8R: later LD: long distance/later dude LFTI: looking forward to it LHO: laughing head off LIS: laughing in silence LKITR: little kid in the room LMAO: laughing my a** off LMSO: laughing my socks off LOLA: laughing out loud agian LTIC: lauging till i cry LTNS: long time no see LY: love you LYL: love you lots LYLB: love you later bye LYMI: love you, mean it LYWAMH: love you with all my heart

MEH: who cares/whatever MLAS: my lips are sealed MSG: message MTFBWY: may the force be with you MUSM: miss you so much MYOB: mind your own business

N/T: no text N2M: not too much N2MJCHBU: not too much just chilling how about you N-A-Y-L: in a while NE1: anyone NESEC: any second NM: never mind/not much NME: enemy NMU: not much you NRG: energy NSA: so strings attached NTYMI: now that you mention it

OAO: over and out OMG: oh my god OOAK: one of a kind OTTOMH: off the top of my head OUSU: oh you shut up

P911: parent alleret PA: parent allert PAL: parents are listening PAW: parents are watching PB: potty break PBB: parent behind back PLZ: please POAHF: put on a happy face POOF: goodbye POS: parent over shoulder P-ZA: pizza

QT: cuite

R&R: rest and relaxation RB@YA: right back at ya RMMA: reading my mind again ROTFL: rolling on the floor laughing ROTGLMAO: rolling on the ground laughing my a** off RRR: har har har RUOK: are you ok

S^: what's up S2U: same to you SETE: smiling ear to ear SHMILY: see how much i love you SIT: stay in touch SLAP: sounds like a plan SLAW: sounds like a winner SLIRK: stupid little rich kid SOB: son of a b***h SOL: sh** out of luck SOZ: sorry STBY: sucks to be you STFU: shut the f*** up STS: so to speak SWAK: sealed with a kiss SWL: screaming with laughter SYS: see you soon SYT: see you tomorrow

TGIF: thank god its friday THX/TX/THKS: thanks TISNF: this is so not fair TMI: too much information TOY: thinking of you TPTB: the powers that be TTFN: ta ta for now TTG: time to go TTYL: talk to you later

U UP: are you up U2: you too UG2BK: you got to be kidding U-L: you will URW: you are welcome UV: unpleasant visual

WAYD: what are you doing WC: who cares WE: whatever WFM: works for me WTF: what the f*** WTG: way to go WWJD: what would jesus do WWSD: what would satan do

X-I-10: exciting XLNT: excelent XOXO: hugs and kisses

YR: yeah right YW: your welcome

ZMG: oh my god ZZZZ: sleeping/bored/tired

There are a lot of them I know, but i found them rather amuzing.....I'll try to post something more substantial later.

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