Monday, June 8, 2009


Ok I'll start by saying that I have a sudden urge to watch Inspector Gadget. I think that is partly because I'm listening to "I'll be your everything" by Youngstown, but whatever.

I had my History final at 8am this morning and quite frankly it was a piece of cake. All that time spent stressed out last night over dates and people and events and terms was for nothing. Then at 10am I had my math final, which was the polar opposite of my history final: it was impossible. All that time spent last night silently freaking out while making my notecard was, well ok it was time wasted, but it had some clout to it. The first few questions were easy enough and I thought to myself "if the rest of the test is like this I'll be ok" then I turned the page. And that was the moment that I knew the best I could possibly get on this ridiculous final was a B...if that. Now I know this sounds melodramatic and what not, but my heart and all of the hope in it literally sank into my stomach. And to make matters worse, over half the stuff I put on my notecard I didn't even need and then there was stuff that I did need that wasn't on my notecard. Quite frankly I dont care what the volume of a tetrehedron with certain given verticies is thank you very much. GAH!!! Now I have to study for tomorrow's physics final at 10am. The only nice thing about that is the fact that there are review quizes in the online textbook and the physics final is the only final I have tomorrow. :-)

Other than that, I suppose life is good. Good except for the fact that I missed the entirety of the season premier of Army Wives last night becuase I was studdying for my math final/making my notecard. That really ticked me off becuase now I'm an episode behind and the season just started. Plus it's the only chance I get to see Drew Fuller, aside from pulling out the Charmed season 6 DVDs. And I really wanted to know if ClaudiaJoy and Michael left the base like they were supposed to and what is going on with Joan and her new baby and when she is going back to the army. And now I sound like a whiny two year old.

I absolutly cannot wait for finals to be over tomorrow becuase A) I get to hang out with Erin and Sara afterwards, B) the end of finals means school is almost over, and C) I'm sick of studdying. Well I suppose I should vaccume or at least try to find last night's episode of Army Wives online, or even better, study for physics. Until Later.

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