Ahhh, the joys of dizzy park (aka the Mt. Lebanon park). Last time the superheros and I went, there were preteens creeping around the park. And of course, Sierra being Sierra, shouted "No preteen pda!"
So tonight after we got back from the grad party that Rebecca half-dragged us to (and by half-dragged I mean she said she didn't wanna go alone and Gretchen, Sierra, and I offered to go with her) we chilled at the house for about 15-30 minutes and then we gathered our cameras and cell phones (and G&R's little bro) and headed to dizzy park.
Well we got there and there was this old couple walking up the path and low and behold, there was a preteen couple on one of the spiny things. So we went down to the where the equipment is and I made the painfully obvious observation "It's dark out"..... wow I'm smart. So we attempted to take pictures and well, the dark didn't really help much. After a short period of contemplation we decided to can the posed pics and go for some candid ones. According to Sierra we seem to only go to dizzy park to get professional looking photography, so as I said, we went candid.
What resulted from that decision was a lot of sillyness and crazyness and such. If you really want to see the sillyness, check out the "I think they're 8th graders" album on facebook. The story behind that album title is as follows: this gang of wierdos/creeps notices us on their way down to the wherever they were going. So they come towards us all creepy on their way to their gang initiation type thing and they're totally checking us out and the one a-hole was like "I think they're in 8th grade" at which point, I turn to Rebecca and just start silently cracking up. And then we saw those same creeps on our way home.....o boy what a night.
The Superheros
From Left to Right (Rebecca/Superwoman, Me/Spidergirl, Sierra/Batwoman, Gretchen/Wonderwoman)
Now we're watching Who's Line and cracking up as is to be expected when we're together. We are so exausted and acting as such! Well I guess it's time to "sign off" for the night so......until later/tomorrow.